Water Borehole
Water boreholes provide you with your very own private water supply saving you money and avoiding restrictions during droughts, reduce your emissions and can add value to your house.
Can I save money if I have a water borehole drilled on my land?
Boreholes can cut water costs by up to 80%. In some areas water can cost £1.95 per cubic meter from a supplier.
What permissions are needed to abstract water?
As of April 2005, abstractions of less than 20m3/day does not require licensing by the Environment Agency.
If the abstraction is greater than 20m3/day an abstraction licence is required and this is something that we can assist with.
We have a septic tank sewerage system, is there a contamination risk with a water borehole?
There are a number of situations that can be encountered that are not helpful when planning a borehole; these include septic tanks, silage and run-off from buildings.
By careful siting of the borehole, and if possible drilling up gradient from the hazard.
How deep will you be drilling my borehole?
The average range is 40-60 metres, although we have drilled to 130m in search for water.
What size will the borehole be?
Holes drilled are between 100 and 500mm diameter.
A normal domestic borehole will be drilled at 200mm diameter, with a 103mm casing and screen being installed throughout the entire depth.
This meets best practice industry standards.
The installation is carefully sealed (grouted) from ground level into rock-head to ensure that surface pollutants and contaminants cannot enter the system.
What is the life of a borehole?
A new borehole, installed to a high standard, and with modern materials such as PVC should last a lifetime.
What is the first step in the water borehole process?
A hydrogeologist’s survey is the first step as it provides an indication of the underlying geology — showing the nature of the ground to be drilled, and the likely depth at which water will be found.
Is the quality and quantity of water guaranteed?
There is always an element of risk that there is no water to be found. However we do have excellent success rates in finding good quality reliable water.
Is water treatment necessary?
Any supply that is used for human and animal consumption should be analysed for water quality prior to being put into service. We can assist with getting the water tested.
What pressure will I receive from my borehole?
Water is pumped from the borehole at a constant pressure which is typically 2-4 bars. The pump supplies water on demand, and a pressure-operated switch cuts off its electricity when it is not working, to ensure economic running.